It’s that time when we reflect on the year that’s been and the year that’s coming. It’s also a time when many of us choose gifts to acknowledge the importance of those nearest to us.
Here are the three ‘gifts’ have I chosen for you this Christmas.
1. ‘Downtime’ to generate insight
Where do you have your best ideas? At your desk? In sales meetings? During the annual budget review? Probably not! Your probably said something like ‘in in shower’, ‘out running’, or ‘as I wake in the morning’… Our best ideas typically happen when we are relaxed.
I wish that in 2017 you create the ‘downtime’ your need to develop your creativity and generate insight.
2. The political leadership you REALLY deserve!
There is a saying ‘The people get the class of politician they expect and deserve’. It would be an understatement to say I have been disappointed with political leaders and leadership over the past year. What do we expect? What do we really deserve?
I wish better political leadership for you in 2107 – leadership that includes compassion, courage, and a long-term vision.
3. Ongoing feedback to polish your leadership
Seriously, who thinks a formal annual performance review is a good idea? Feedback that is targeted and timely is far more useful. It turns out that people actually want the bad news that their employers don’t want to give them. (People want well considered constructive feedback to help the improve. Recent research## says 72% of people claim their performance would improve if their manager provided corrective feedback.)
I wish that in 2017 you get regular feedback that helps you develop. (Tip – Ask people whose opinions you value for specific and honest feedback.)
Which gift will make the biggest difference to you this Christmas? What ‘gifts’ could you pay forward to others?
Thanks for being part of my world this year, and for allowing me into your world.
Have a safe and merry festive season and a fearless new year.