
Strong leadership is essential to the success of any organisation and in today’s world, strong leadership must be realised at all levels. Developing Direct Reports: Taking the guesswork out of leading leaders aims to facilitate a new kind of conversation about leadership development.

Human behaviour is complex. Developing leadership in others takes more than knowing the theory and authorising the training budget. Bringing out the best in your people can be challenging and time consuming.

Written for leaders who lead leaders, Developing Direct Reports addresses the 12 most common, globally recognised leadership derailers.

Packed with examples, insights and recommendations, and supported by a practical framework, this book shows you how to:

  • Understand what’s really driving the dysfunctional behaviours you observe
  • Become a catalyst for behaviour change that sticks
  • Take the guesswork out of developing your direct reports

Good leaders advise their direct reports on how to reach their potential. Great leaders inspire their direct reports to unleash their own potential for themselves.  Developing Direct Reports shows you how it’s done.

It’s time to empower your leaders to get out of their own way; realise their potential; and deliver on individual, team and organisational goals.

First published on IIDM Global on 08 December 2015.


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