It is the winter solstice here in Australia, the turning point of the year. The solstice has spiritual meanings in many cultures, often being associated with the birth of the Sun.

I am really excited to share my new website with you, and to showcase the leadership development work that I am passionate about.

Please do check it out. Visit


You will have noticed the new colours and branding in this eNews. The orange ‘C’ represents the sun, which is about the energy and connection that links a great leader with their people. The saffron ‘A’ is suggestive of a mountain, and is indicative of the strength that comes from being grounded in who you are, how you impacts others, and the work you do.

So the solstice marks a turning point… What’s possible in your leadership when you focus your energy, connect with what is meaningful for you, and tap into the potential of your people?

Happy Solstice!


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