The ‘Christmas Wishes’ pieces I have written for the last two years have been two of my most popular blogs. Today is my birthday (before you ask – there will be 28 candles on the cake!!!) and so I have decided to celebrate by sending you three birthday wishes.
Wish #1 That you have great people in your life
Hang out with people who support and challenge you, and who bring out the best in you both personally and professionally.
Wish #2 That you have a good dose of curiosity
Curiosity might have killed the cat, but I reckon that a good dose of curiosity is brilliant for leaders. People are complex and it’s easy to snap into judgment (yes, no, right, wrong, good, evil), and then act as if our judgments and interpretations are the truth. Curiosity helps us get past the behaviors we observe in others and move closer to understanding their intentions.
Wish #3 That you gain clarity on your BIG WHYs and little whys
Get clear on what matters to you. I think about my ‘BIG WHYs’ being my reasons for living, my purpose or quest. And then my ‘little whys’ are the purpose of this project or conversation. Being clear on my whys helps me to stay focused and motivated. Being clear on my whys also helps me to know what to say ‘yes’ to, and what to say ‘no’ to.
So whether your birthday is today (happy birthday – you are in great company!) or any other day, I wish these three wishes for you.
Have an Extraordinary day