What gift do you give the leader who has everything? Here are my gifts to you this Christmas, inspired by what my clients have asked for this year.
Gift 1 – Resilience to deal with challenges. Leadership can be a hard gig, and resilience is needed along the way to maintain your own energy and to support others.
Gift 2 – The skill to lead change successfully. 70% of organisational change efforts fail according to the Kenneth Blanchard group of companies. That’s a lot of wasted energy, resource and emotion that could be avoided.
Gift 3 – Life Balance. Every time you say ‘yes’, you are saying ‘no’ to something else. Are you doing so consciously? Saying ‘yes’ to a 5 pm client engagement may be saying ‘no’ to your daughter’s Christmas concert, or to making that yoga class you promised yourself… Get present to your ‘yes’ and your ‘no.
Gift 4 – Self Awareness to know when change is needed, the confidence to try out a new way of being, and people around you to support your growth.
Gift 5 – Courage and skill to give others constructive feedback. A 2014 study found that people wanted corrective feedback, more than praise, if it was provided in a constructive manner. Help them – help yourself – offer more constructive feedback.
Gift 6 – Wisdom to leverage diversity in the team, rather than seeing difference as difficult.
Gift 7 – Trust to believe in the positive intentions of others, even when what they are doing seems odd, or at times downright obstructive!
Which gift would be most valuable for you this Christmas? I am very curious to know which one you have chosen, and what other leadership gifts you would add to shopping list. Click here to join the conversation on my blog page.
Season’s Greetings. I hope that 2015 finishes in the way that’s ideal for you, and that 2016 starts off with a sparkle.
Thanks to each of you for the contribution you have made to my year.
PS Sheryl, Gladys and I will be taking a break over Christmas from Thursday 24 December. Sheryl (Sheryl@corrinnearmour.ten-four.com.au) and Gladys (admin@corrinnearmour.ten-four.com.au) will be back from Monday 11 January. I will be back on Monday 18 January.