Ep5 Q4 - Featured Image

Here it is! The FIFTH episode of the video series ‘7 Questions to Ask When You Want to Tell!’ (For 8 weeks you will receive an episode of this series instead of the usual written eNews.)

What’s your role as a leader here? To take ownership of their work? To save the day with solutions? Or to develop them to initiate and lead?

Click on the image below to watch the video.

(In case you are wondering… Coco the puppy is alive! Her favourite place is by the fire sleeping off her adventures.)

What questions have you tried so far? What’s worked well? What’s more challenging? How are your people responding? I’d love to hear back from you…

And how about paying it forward too? Please share this with another leader you know who means well, but sometimes finds themselves helping too hard!

Go Fearlessly – Corrinne

PS If you are interested in the content, but don’t like watching video, here’s the transcript of what I say:

You’re working really hard, right? To resist the temptation to jump in and give them the answers. Well done. I love that. You’re probably asking yourself, now, what’s my role here as a leader? Is it to have all the answers or is it to develop my people?

Welcome to the fifth video. So this is the fourth question that you can ask. (There was an introduction, just in case you’re doing the math.)

This is the fourth question that you can ask when you want to tell. So don’t tell. Jump in with a fantastic question. So I’m curious, what have you tried so far? Now what questions worked? What questions haven’t worked so well? How are your people responding? I’d love to know. So send me a message.

Right, let’s get into it. Let’s get into today’s question.

Often when people come to us, you know, what should I do here? They’ve got options. They’ve got a sense of it. And the way we respond gives us an opportunity to work with them to develop their decision making capability. So a really good question to ask is and it’s really simple. ”What options are you considering?” Yep, that’s it.

“What should I do? What should I do?” “What options are you considering?” And as they give you their thoughts, then that’s an opportunity for you to work with them to evaluate each one and to come up with a solution that they feel confident in and comfortable with.

Now speaking of comfort, my ears are burning because I feel like you’re calling me.

You’re saying to me, “Yeah, but, Corrinne, what if I don’t like their solutions? What if I’ve got a better idea?” Now, you might have a better idea.

In fact, you probably will, because you’re an experienced leader, right? You’ve had a lot of experience. You’ve probably dealt with this kind of dilemma before. But just ask yourself what’s gonna have more impact: them marginally committed to your great idea, or really solidly committed to the idea that might not be as good that they’ve come up with themselves?

Yeah, I reckon we both know the answer to that. If what they’ve come up with, you reckon there’s danger there, maybe a danger to them, danger to the organization, danger to the community, then you might need to help them in your evaluation conversation. But if that’s not the case, then just let them go with the options that they’ve come up with.

Simple question for today, “What options are you considering?” Try it. Let me know how you go.

Now, next week’s question is a little bit different to the ones we’ve talked about so far. Next week’s question we explore fear. So I look forward to sharing it with you. See you then.


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