Ep8 Q7 - Featured Image Animation

I saved this question for last in the series ‘7 Questions to Ask When You Want to Tell!’. I saved it for last for two reasons. One, because it’s a beauty! And the other reason because it takes a level of confidence and belief in the power of questions. And after six questions, I reckon you’ve got that necessary confidence.

Today’s question is such a great question because it bypasses the conscious mind and it gets straight to the unconscious mind.

Try it out – and please – let me know how you go!

So that was question seven. Woohoo! Congratulations. You are well on the way to becoming a Leader Who Asks who no longer disempowers their people by jumping in and holding all the answers.

Instead you are becoming the kind of leader who asks good, open ended questions that build problem solving, empowerment, creativity, and gets the right work done.

The responses I have been receiving to these videos have been encouraging, heart-felt, funny… Have I heard from you? I’d love to know what you have tried, what’s worked well, what you have found challenging, and what you are going to try next. Drop me a quick email, or comment on LinkedIn.

Go Fearlessly – Corrinne

PS If you are interested in the content, but don’t like watching video, here’s the transcript of what I say:

I saved this question for last. I saved it for last for two reasons. One, because it’s a beauty, it’s a bonus. It’s a fabulous question. And the other reason because it takes a level of confidence and belief in the power of questions. And after six questions, I reckon you’ve got that.

So how are you going on your quest to stop helping too hard?

If you’ve been across this video series, you know that I’m offering a question a week that you can ask when the expectation is you’re going to tell, you know, you’re going to give them the answer. But instead ask a good question. Keep the accountability and the thought provokingness – if there is such a word – with them where it belongs.

Now, today’s question. It’s such a beauty because it bypasses the conscious mind. It sort of goes behind the conscious mind and it gets straight into the unconscious mind. So what’s the question?

“If you did know the answer, what would it be?”

I know… Some of you are thinking, can I ask that? If someone asked me that, I reckon I’d want to thump them! Yes, you can ask that. And no, they won’t want to thump you because we’re talking straight to the unconscious mind.

“If you did know the answer, what would it be?”

Just keep that lightness. Keep up the same conversational cadence and you’ll be amazed at what you get.

So that was question seven. Ta da congratulations! Woohoo congratulations! You are well on the way to becoming a Leader Who Asks who no longer disempowers their people by jumping in and holding all the answers.

But the kind of leader that asks good, open ended questions that builds problem solving, builds empowerment, builds creativity, and gets the right work done. Yay for you. Yay for all of us!


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