Coaches Corrinne Recommends

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Please note – there is no commercial arrangement between me and these fabulous people. My intent in establishing this page is to make it easy for me to connect you with great people whose work I know and trust. That’s it.

Go Fearlessly


Dr. Amy Silver
Dr. Amy SilverCoach / Mentor

The problems I help solve

Are you looking to:

  • rise above your workload, be strategic in your thinking and be responsive instead of reactive
  • transition into the most powerful version of yourself (as a communicator, influencer, leader)
  • build the courage to (re)connect with your values and purpose drive the leader in you

My ‘sweet spot’ work
Helping motivated people identify and change their behavioural and thinking habits so they move closer and faster towards their most powerful self. I love working with people who are facing a new challenge or need a new solution. I work best with people who want to be pushed into action using courage and a true integration of self and work.

Clinical Psychology Doctorate; MPhil (Psychiatry); MA (Performance); Psychology BSc(Hons)

Conversational; deep but action oriented; challenging but kind; 100% empathic to the best version of you

Pollyanna Lenkic
Pollyanna LenkicCoach / Mentor

The problems I help solve
Corporate brain fog (overwhelm, competing priorities & too many ‘urgent’ projects). I help my clients move from overwhelm to a laser focus on what’s important, so the right stuff gets done.

Lost Connection: To ourselves, the people we care about (at home, at work). I help my clients to reconnect with themselves, and with others (team /family). Elevating their leadership, and the people they lead while allowing space for themselves and the people they love.

My ‘sweet spot’ work
My ‘sweet spot’ work is working with individuals, groups and teams who want to move beyond their current circumstances and challenges.

I’m known for creating a caring and supportive environment where tough challenges and conversations can surface in a safe and constructive way. For helping, leaders create a shift in their people from being dependent on them to step into their leadership and expertise.

My clients tell me that the work we do is sustainable, it creates a ripple effect in their personal and professional lives.

Brian Gardner
Brian GardnerCoach / Mentor

The problems I help solve
As an ‘Alignment and Movement Strategist’, working as a Mentor and Trusted Advisor, an Executive Coach, and/or as a Facilitator, I help both organisations, and individuals, operate in a more aligned, more sustainable and therefore more effective manner, with a strong sense of movement in the ‘right’ direction.

My ‘sweet spot’ work
I am passionate about any work that helps individuals, leaders, teams and organisations, to become ‘unstuck’ and start moving, to grow and develop, to become more ‘self-aware’, aligned, effective and healthy, making choices intentionally, understanding the consequences. And I love to do this work collaboratively and innovatively, with unconditional acceptance.

Richard Ansell
Richard AnsellCoach / Mentor

The problems I help solve
I will help you identify your business and personal challenges and opportunities, understand why they are challenges, and what you can do to transform them. I’ll help you make the changes to your life that you have been struggling to achieve to date, and to move towards your limitless potential.

My ‘sweet spot’ work
My sweet spot work is when I love what I’m doing, and it feels effortless – especially when working with new managers/leaders as they take over a new team or promotion. I really enjoy helping people find where people get ‘stuck’ and seeing them try new strategies and approaches, both in their work and personal life, and within the organisations and systems they work.

Specialist Coaches

Nicole Vine
Nicole VinePersonal Stylist & Brand Coach

The problems I help solve

I work with clients to create a valuable business tool that is ready to go whenever they need a personal brand message that is confident, clear and consistent (eg., brand photo shoot, stage presentation, client meetings, interviews, networking events).

I transform clients’ wardrobes to authentically reflect their personal brand, support them to confidently meet their day and optimise their professional impact.

My ‘sweet spot’ work
I am a former corporate lawyer who works with female professionals and business leaders, showing them how to make quick, smart style and personal brand decisions that optimise their impact in the new working world.

Zandy Fell
Zandy FellConflict Resolution Expert

The problems I help solve
We support businesses and individuals become unstuck at work by actively supporting through to resolution resolve workplace tension and conflict so that energy and time can be focused onto engaging productively. We bring the rising temperature down and help to manage workplace risk. We work with leaders and business who want to restore or strengthen workplace relationships.

My ‘sweet spot’ work
Coaching people to prepare and particulate in difficult conversations and see more choices. Strategizing or facilitating resolution of uncomfortable or difficult workplace situation using a blend of mediation, interest-based negotiation, restorative justice and a compassionately confronting approach!.