It’s been a challenging few years for all of us: working from home, juggling family and work responsibilities, navigating how to build a ‘hybrid’ way of operating, and still no sense of certainty as to when this will end.
People are tired and needing inspiration. Reserves of personal and professional resilience are low. While many leaders have stepped up to the leadership challenge, communication can be fragmented, and disconnection and disengagement is a threat.
Fearless Bites?
Fearless Bites are interactive online learning experiences – webcasts – that can be tailored to your needs and run from 45 to 90 minutes. Longer sessions allow for more stories, deeper exploration of the concepts of Fearless Leadership®, and greater interaction (including breakout groups for discussion and reflection).
Messages can be focussed for groups of leaders, or modified for ‘self-leadership’ and delivered to ‘whole staff’ groups. Maximum 120 people per session. Sessions can be recorded for those who can’t attend the live session. Follow up ensures learning can be transferred to the workplace.
Beamed from her well-equipped studio, you will be amazed at the level of engagement and impact Corrinne can achieve online!
Fearless Bites Menu
Leadership in a crisis
It’s tough to be a leader right now! At the time when we most need to be centred in our person, resourceful in our approach, and powerful in our leadership, fear and overwhelm may cause the opposite to be true!
People are looking to their leaders for leadership… and their leaders (that’s you) don’t have all the answers.
This Fearless Bite covers:
- Why as a leader you are contagious, even without catching COVID-19! And how to make that work for you and your people
- How to press the pause button and access a better, less reactive, version of you
- The importance of remembering your purpose to stabilize yourself and provide guidance for others
- Why uncertainty triggers a threat response in the brain, and how you can provide certainty in a rapidly shifting world
The 3 keys to maintaining Fearless Leadership® in a crisis
Leading Change in times of uncertainty
We are all doing a whole lot of changing right now, not least of all changes to how we and where we work, and the way power and authority is dispersed across our organisations and teams.
There are evolutionary reasons why change is hard. Change generates uncertainty. Uncertainty generates a threat response in the brain. Things can go rapidly downhill from there, as focus shifts from organisational purpose towards personal survival!
Corrinne will guide you to assess your own below conscious relationship to change and understand how your change profile impacts the motivation of those you lead. When you know your change profile, you can be resilient in the face of change, and guide others more effectively.
This Fearless Bite covers:
- What brain science tells about why change is hard!
- Diagnosing your own below conscious relationship to change, and profile of others
- How to navigate and communicate change with greater confidence, flexibility and impact
- Leveraging your change profile to strengthen your leadership
- Leading change that sticks
More than in any other time, during periods of uncertainty you need to understand how your below conscious motivation for change influences your leadership, for better and worse. It’s the time to leverage your change profile and lead fearlessly.
Curating and building culture in a hybrid world
Most of us don’t have training or experience in leading and working in a virtual workforce, and yet this is the situation we find ourselves in right now.
The challenges are real… Service delivery must continue in some form… The technology is being pushed to the limits… It’s hard to keep everyone working effectively as a team… There are team members who don’t seem to be coping … New policies are in place to help, but are they working? How will we come out of this at the end?
If culture is the sum of every little thing we do every day, how is our remote leadership helping or hinder our teams? What can we do to ensure we come out of the with a stronger and more enabling culture than we began with?
This Fearless Bite will help you understand:
- The value of asking more questions in building engagement and developing culture
- Why inclusion matters in building culture
- The opportunity we have right now to connect with the whole person
- The importance (and challenge) of trust in leadership
- Stepping into Fearless Leadership®
What’s Next? Leveraging disruption to create your New Normal
‘When things get back to normal, we will …’
Sorry to disappoint you – things won’t be going back to normal. They can’t. We have changed, our organisations have changed, the world has changed.
There will be a ‘normal’… But we won’t be going ‘back’ to it.
It will be a New Normal. And we get to choose if it’s a Default New Normal that indiscriminately picks up behaviours, beliefs and practices from the past and present and merges them to build a default approach to work and community.
Or… If we Create our own New Normal, harnessing the opportunities resulting from the COVID-19 disruption, and bringing the best of the past and present to create the future.
Bill Gates has described COVID-19 as the ‘pandemic of a century’. What if it was also the opportunity of a century to reconsider and reconfigure the way we work?
Fearless Leaders are creating the environment for conversations that create the New Normal.
The Fearless Bite will challenge people to step up create their own New Normal and traverses:
- The four phases of Normal
- The key leadership focusof each stage
- The three questions to ask to identify opportunities
- Why creating a New Normal matters at home and in our community, as well as in our organisations
Trust and Fearless Leadership®: Why it matters and how to build it in a virtual world
We all want to be trusted and most of us want to trust others. Few people choose to work with micromanagers. So why is trust so hard?
As I ask people about the benefits of our ‘current normal’, many people comment on greater levels of trust and empowerment as we work from home. Did we need a global pandemic to teach us to trust the people we employed, to do the job they were employed to do?
This Fearless Bite covers:
- Why trust matters and the risk if we don’t trust
- How to identify your trust profile
- Strategies to build trust, especially in a virtual environment
- Simple ways to undermine trust (or how to avoid destroying trust!), and
- The payoffs from trust
This is a conversation that matters if you lead or are part of a team, an organisation or a community.
Courage – the vital ingredient. How to build and maintain a courageous team.
Courage is a critical element of Fearless Leadership® and yet courage is often misunderstood. Under pressure, stupidity can be confused with bravery, weakness with vulnerability, and blame with accountability!
One of the deepest forms of courage is required in the way you work with your peers, so how are you doing?
Right now, perhaps more than ever in our working lives, leaders need courage, and leadership teams need to be courageous together. Fearless Leadership Teams role model courage.
This Fearless Bite will help you:
- Make useful distinctions between what courage is and isn’t
- Understand the three factors that cripple courage in a leadership team
- Assess the current level of courage in the leadership team you are part of
- Develop your courage, and the bravery to operate in a courageous team
- Model courage for others
Under the Spotlight. Just how Fearless is your leadership team? (SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAMS ONLY)
The challenges facing leadership teams are complex and rapidly changing. The role of the executive team is to lead the organisation, and to do this the CEO needs an aligned team, able to leverage the thinking diversity and collective wisdom around the table.
Fearless Leadership® Teams create the conditions for organisational success, role modelling the dynamic needed throughout the organisation.
How fearless is your leadership team? This conversation will help you figure that out.
Corrinne will lead you through a diagnostic quiz guaranteed to provoke insight into the level of fearlessness in your leadership team right now. There will be time for discussion too.
If you are part of a leadership team, this Fearless Bite is for you, and we will:
- Explore seven factors of Fearless Leadership
- Assess the current level of Fearless Leadership in your leadership team and celebrate the strengths
- Identify the gap that will make the biggest positive impact when you close it
- Develop action to increase your fearlessness
- Have a laugh and know you aren’t alone with these challenges!
How do they work?
- Choose the Fearless Bites you want from the Menu, based on the impact you want to achieve.
- Arrange a briefing call with Corrinne so she understands your organisational context and the participant needs.
- Determine the dates and times
- Corrinne’s team will take over from there. They will:
- Provide material for you to ‘market’ the sessions internally
- Set up the virtual stage and breakout rooms
- Either invite all your people, or provide the invitation for you to send internally
- Corrinne will conduct the session – interactive, engaging, lasting.
- Send learningJolts to participants after each session, to help embed the learning in the workplace
- Package up the recorded webcast to be available to your people on-demand for 6 months after the session
- Check back in with you three months later to assess the impact of your Fearless Bites program.