Dynamic. Energetic. Infectious.
Corrinne is an entertaining, provocative and inspiring Keynote Speaker. Drawing on stories from her life in a jungle refugee camp on the edge of a war-zone, leadership in the corporate world, and transformational insights into brain science, she brings leadership to life. Your audience will leave with actionable insights to lift their careers, teams and organisations.
Visit corrinnespeaks.com to hear Corrinne speak, learn about her keynotes, and see what others say about how they have been impacted by her stage presence.
Corrinne is based in Victoria, and speaks around Australia and internationally. All her keynotes – with adjustments to maximize the impact of online presenting – can be delivered on the real and virtual stage.

3 keynotes to shift your thinking…
1. Ask More. Tell Less. Lead Fearlessly: Creating Fearless Cultures and saving the world
True leadership requires a new and innovative approach. It’s a tough gig! Boosting engagement, building accountability, fostering creativity are still the cornerstones of brilliant leadership, but today’s rapidly changing landscape requires more.
2.The 12 Leadership Derailers: How to avoid the 12 leadership archetypes that sabotage careers
As leaders, we all act with the best intentions. But what happens when our inside intentions are not reflected to others by our external behavior? Corrinne gives the audience speed overviews of the 12 leadership derailers, drawing laughter, insight and sometimes some uncomfortable squirms as people recognise themselves and others. This keynote draws on her book ‘Developing Direct Reports: Taking the guesswork out of leading leaders’.
3. Fearless Leadership – Untapped Potential. Taking action in times of challenge.
There are times when everything is too much. Urgent priorities, high uncertainty, rapid change, people looking for answers, danger lurks in the shadows and overwhelm threatens… People will be on the edge of their seats as Corrinne shares stories from her time living and working in a jungle refugee camp on the edge of a war zone. Lessons about leadership that are just as applicable in our corporate jungle as they are in a war zone. Are you ready?