3 Christmas Wishes
It’s that time when we reflect on the year
Gift them the reward of discovery
Last week I spoke at an industry conference. In
3 reasons they are not hearing you (and what to do instead)
Last week I heard four complaints with a similar theme:
If you have a brain, you are biased!
‘If you have a brain, you are biased!’ was one
What does your leadership soundtrack say?
On a country train trip last week a woman in
Could detail be limiting your team’s success & your career?
Decision-making is an essential leadership competency, and yet leaders often
It’s not hypocrisy – it’s your job!
Last week I had an interesting conversation with an executive
4 steps to Antidote Emotions for Emotional Intelligence
Powerful disturbing emotions - such as anger, sadness or fear
3 Essential Characteristics of Fearless Leadership
An overdose of courage gets Wall Street traders in trouble!
5 leadership lessons I learned from endurance cycling
The current focus on the Olympics has many of us
Are you using command and control off the fireground?
On the fireground during an emergency, command and control works
The case for the selfish leader
One of the most important characteristics of good leaders may
What would happen if you asked this question?
Before each leader begins a coaching program with me, they
How to recognise a Revolutionary (& why it matters!)
Do you recognise the Revolutionaries in your team? If you
4 ways Fearless Teams ‘bless & release’
Recently I was working with a team exploring ways they
Give up control to become a better leader
I have never met anyone who likes to work with
3 ways being a mother develops our leadership
Being a working mother is not always an easy gig!
7 ways to stamp out Analysis Paralysis
Over-analysis results in under-delivery. When our brains become overloaded with
5 random ideas to incite leadership
Something a bit different today... 5 random ideas to
My embarrassing incident with Easter Bunny
On a family trip over Easter, I was determined to
As CEO, you ARE heard differently
A few weeks after Graham# took up a new CEO
Bull at a gate? 3 ways to slow down & get more done
Does your 360 leadership feedback include comments like these? He
Are you drinking poison? 3 ways to let go of anger.
At a recent dinner party, someone said, ‘Holding onto anger
How to tell if you are stuck in command and control leadership
Last week, I insisted my daughter do something the way
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